





Casting method of producing castings by casting mould with ceramic slurry. Ceramic slurry is composed of ethyl silicate hydrolysate and fine refractory sand with relatively pure texture and high thermal stability, such as fused quartz, zircon and corundum. In order to make the ceramic slurry cemented in a short time, calcium hydroxide or magnesium oxide are often added as catalysts. Because the composition and appearance of refractories used are similar to those of ceramics, they are called ceramics. Ceramic mould casting is a new technology developed on the basis of common sand casting. There are two types of ceramics: 1. All ceramics are irrigated by ceramic slurry. The production process is to fix the pattern on the mold plate, coat the sand box, and then pour the adjusted ceramic slurry into the sand box, to be cemented and hardened, and then to be molded, and then to be baked at high temperature. (2) Casting moulds are made by pouring ceramic slurry into the gap between bushing and pattern with bushing. The bushing can be made of sand or metal. Casting ceramic shell geshanb.89ix.comtaiyangn.89ix.comgelidun.89ix.comgangguanp.89ix.comtongshizi.71ix.comzhuza

ojm.37ix.com.cnwith bushing can save a lot of ceramic slurry, which is widely used in production. The surface roughness of ceramic castings can reach Ra10-1.25 micron, and the dimension accuracy can reach 3-5 grade, which can achieve the goal of less or no cutting. The production cycle of ceramic mould casting is short and the utilization rate of metal is high. The largest castings can reach more than ten tons, mainly used for casting large-scale thick-walled precision castings and small batches of die, forging die, plastic die, metal die, die-casting die, glass die and other moulds. The service life of ceramic mould casting die is comparable to that of the die made by mechanical processing method, while the manufacturing cost is lower than that of the die made by mechanical processing method.


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