采用循环经济的发展模式,建立资源节约、环境友好的铸造行业是降低能耗的一条重要途径。铸造生产过程中的各种工业炉窑是消耗资源的大户,也是污染环境的源头。充分利用铸造生产过程中的炉窑余热可以减少能源消耗。比如加工厂将冲天炉余热引入到烘干房对喷漆后的铸件进行烘干, 达到了节约能源的效果。利用冲天炉余热加热生活用水。 按照德国人的说法:垃圾就是放错了地方的物品。铸造生产中的废物减量、再利用、再循环、再制造应得到充分重视。据介绍倾倒一吨废砂的成本高于购买新砂成本,而且再生后的砂各项指标并不亚于新砂。按照目前国内新砂价格与再生后砂成本进行比较,再生成本仅为新砂的三分之一。大量的炉渣经过粒化处理可以作为生产水泥的原料不失为减少污染物排放的好方法。
It is an important way to reduce energy consumption to adopt the development mode of circular economy and establish a resource-saving and environment-friendly foundry industry. All kinds of industrial furnaces in foundry production are large consumers of resources and the source of pollution. The energy consumption can be reduced by making full use of the waste heat in the foundry production process. For example, the processing plant introduced cupola waste heat into the drying room to dry the spray-painted castings, which achieved the effect of energy saving. Use cupola waste heat to heat domestic water. According to the German saying, rubbish is the wrong place. Waste reduction, reuse, recycling and remanufacturing in foundry production should be fully valued. It is reported that the cost of dumping a ton of waste sand is higher than that of purchasing new sand, and the indexes of recycled sand are no less than that of new sand. Compared with the cost of recycled sand, the cost of recycled sand is only one third of that of new sand. A large amount of slag can be used as raw material for cement production through granulation, which is a good way to reduce pollutant emissions.
Over the past 20 years, the development of China's foundry industry has mainly depended on cheap labor and large or even excessive investment in domestic resources and energy. With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous expansion of its scale, the constraints of domestic energy, resources and ecological environment on economic growth are increasing day by day. The development of foundry industry is also facing a series of major challenges. If we follow the path of extensive, high-growth and sacrificing resources and environment in the past, we will surely not be able to follow. China has been ranking the largest casting production country in the world for six consecutive years. However, in view of the situation that China's foundry industry is facing with increasing energy constraints, increasing pressure on environmental safety, intensified competition in the International Foundry Industry and enhanced protection of intellectual property rights, China's foundry industry should transform from a big country to a powerful country, reduce energy consumption by 20% and pollutant emissions by 10% within five years, and only rely on innovation and improvement of employment. The quality of personnel depends on building a harmonious manufacturing concept and developing circular economy.