




Passivation process of stainless steel after machining is a very important quality control point in pharmaceutical equipment and engineering field. Passivation is a method to slow down the corrosion of metal by transforming metal surface into a state that is not easy to be oxidized. The effect of passivation, including the depth of passivation and the optimal distribution of metal elements on the surface (such as the ratio of ferrochrome to chromium), will determine the corrosion resistance and corrosion rate of passivated metals. Passivation is a spontaneous phenomenon on the surface of clean surface when oxygen exists, and passivation film can be formed on the surface of stainless steel. By chemical treatment, the passivation film on the stainless steel surface can be enhanced to a certain extent. A prerequisite for passivation is the cleaning procedure for the surface. The cleaning procedure shall include all necessary surface contamination removal (grease, particles, etc.) to ensure the best corrosion resistance of the forging surface, to protect the product from contamination, and to meet the requirements of the alloy surface appearance. The ultimate goal of chemical passivation is to ensure that the alloy surface is free of iron and other contaminants to achieve the best corrosion resistance.
Passivation is divided into spontaneous passivation, chemical passivation and electrochemical passivation. The formation of passivation film on the surface of stainless steel is a spontaneous phenomenon in the presence of oxygen on the clean surface of stainless steel. The passivation film on stainless steel can be enhanced to some extent by chemical and electrochemical treatment. Some passivators (chemicals) caused by the metal passivation phenomenon, known as chemical passivation, such as HNO3, H2SO4, HClO3, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4 and other oxidants can passivate the metal. After passivation, the electrode potential moves in the positive direction, so that it loses its original characteristics, such as passivated iron can not replace copper in copper salt, such as Fe Fe2 + potential of - 0.44V, passivation jump to + 0.5 - 1V. In addition, electrochemical methods can also passivate the metal, such as putting Fe in H2SO4 solution as an anode, polarizing the anode with an external current, using a certain instrument to raise the potential of iron to a certain extent, Fe passivation, caused by anodic polarization of metal passivation phenomenon, called anodic passivation or electrochemical passivation.
Electrochemical passivation is an anodic polarization in which metal potential changes and metal oxides or salts are formed on the electrode surface. These substances are tightly coated on the surface of the forgings to form passive films, which lead to metal passivation. Chemical passivation is the formation of oxide films on the surface of the forgings by the direct action of oxidants such as HNO3. In chemical passivation, the addition of oxidant concentration should not be less than a certain critical value, otherwise not only can not lead to passivation, but also lead to faster dissolution of metals.
The chemical properties of nitric acid change with the concentration, dilute nitric acid mainly reflects its strong acidity, concentrated nitric acid mainly reflects its strong oxidation. When concentrated nitric acid touches the surface of stainless steel, it oxidizes the metal and forms a dense oxide layer which adheres to the surface to form a passivation layer.


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