First, to facilitate the manufacture of models, core boxes and styling:
1)小型混合机、 U形混合机铸件的内腔应该力求铸造时不用或少用型芯,当采用型芯时,应该方便其支撑、固定及排气出砂,必要时应该设有足够的工艺孔;
1) small cavity mixing machine, U type mixing machine castings should be less or no core to cast, when the core, should facilitate its support and fixation and exhaust out of the sand, when necessary, should be equipped with adequate technological hole;
2) there shall be a certain structural inclination in the direction of the die for the structure of the inner and outer sides of the casting and the stiffeners;
3) the projection part on the casting shall not be too different from the casting body, so it is better to take the same height, and a few convex columns with the same distance on the same side, preferably the whole raised part.
4) the shape of the casting should be simple, so as to facilitate the die casting, the casting parting surface should be as flat as possible, and the minimum number;
Two, reduce the tendency to produce casting defects:
1) the large surface of the casting shall be avoided as much as possible;
2) cast hole casting plane wall, should be used to reduce the thickness of flange reinforcement;
3) the casting structure shall be as free as possible to allow it to shrink without cooling when it is cooled;
4) a large area of sandwich cavities, such as water, air and road, shall be provided with several connecting posts.